Things To Do to Fill Up Your Quarantine Day!

Parent Resource: Online Activities to Do During the Coronavirus ...
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Hi, guys! It's been a long time since the policy for self-quarantine was established for a first time. I know some of you mus be bored just to stay at home for a long day even, aren't you?
Even though we often leave our house just to play outside or just get around with our friends or family to get rid of fatigue, but because of  Covid-19 we can't leave the house as usual and pretended nothing happens. Besides that, because of this virus we also have to always be careful when forced to be outside the house where we know that the Covid-19 can spread anytime and anywhere with a fast period of time. So, we are here to suggest a few things that you can do to fill up your day during the quarantine!

  • The first one, you can do Home Exercise : Exercise is good enough to help you taking care of your body. It can also maintain your body's immunity so that you are always healthy and fit.

  • Watching Movies also a best idea to do! You can do a marathon movies that you like such as maybe a Korean drama, serial movies, anime movies or the others according your movie taste. Watch movie also can help you to refreshing your mind and erase your boredom.

  • .Study time! I know some of you must not really like studying, but trust me. You can try this one to fill your boredom. Besides being able to fill your boredom, you also become more understand with the material and the lessons that your teacher has given.

  • Do some Family Time with your family! I bet there's rarely time for family on your ordinary days, isn't it? We are always busy with our daily activities so that we have a less-time to gather with our family. In this quarantine you can take advantage by spending time with your family, but you must remember to do it at home. Don't leave your house just for a vacation in this quarantine! There's many things that you can do with your family at home such as watching movie together, playing some games together, and many more.

  • Trying to become an Impromptu Chef in other words do a cooking time! You must try to cook something while this quarantine. Cooking is fun! You can try some new recipes to do. Who knows if those recipes will be useful someday and it can help you to improve your cooking skill  though! I hope eating your own food after cooking can pleased your mood.

  • If you have a pets in your house, you can try to Playing with Your Pets : Playing with your pets can relieve your stress. You can be entertained by their adorable behavior, such as puppies, cats and others pet will also feel happy because they can feel cared for and loved by their owner.

Yup, that's all a few things that you can do in your home during your quarantine time! Actually, there's still a lot of fun activities that you can do. It all depends on your creativity and interest. But, we hope our suggestions can help you to erase your boredom and I hope it works for you! Have fun, guys! Don't forget to #StayAtHome. Peace out! ✌❤

- Group 3
(Reyner, Riki, Mawar, Tabitha)


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